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The purpose of this research is to understand the perceptions of pharmacy personnel in community and hospital settings concerning their workflows, the Clinical Decision Support (CDS) alerts they interact with, and how their interpretation of these alerts influences patient care. This research aims to begin to investigate pharmacy personnel-voiced factors that influence high rates of alert dismissal. The project also aims to qualify what design factors contribute to more effective CDS Alerts from the pharmacy’s perspective.


Other Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences


Informatics, Clinical Decision Support, Medical Errors, Pharmacy, Pharmacy Informatics

Document Type




Identifying Barriers to Effective Clinical Decision Support Use in Preventing Medical Errors: The Pharmacy’s Perspective

The purpose of this research is to understand the perceptions of pharmacy personnel in community and hospital settings concerning their workflows, the Clinical Decision Support (CDS) alerts they interact with, and how their interpretation of these alerts influences patient care. This research aims to begin to investigate pharmacy personnel-voiced factors that influence high rates of alert dismissal. The project also aims to qualify what design factors contribute to more effective CDS Alerts from the pharmacy’s perspective.