This proof-of-concept quasi-experiment investigated the relationship between circadian phase and immune response to the 2024-2025 influenza vaccine. This study will provide insight into the ideal physiological circadian phase to receive the influenza vaccine, better defining the relationship between circadian biology and immunity, and supporting a simple and cost-effective strategy to optimize influenza vaccine efficacy.
Influenza, Vaccination, Circadian Rhythms, Personalized Medicine
Recommended Citation
Broome, Payson; Duus, Karen; Reddy, Thrisha; Robinson, Krystal; Ward, Jutta; Desouza, Michael; Park, Samuel; Else, Terry Ann; and Bell-Pedersen, Deborah, "Using Variations in the Circadian Rhythm to Identify Optimal Vaccination Times in Healthy Adults who Receive an Influenza Vaccine" (2025). Annual Research Symposium. 56.