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This proof-of-concept quasi-experiment investigated the relationship between circadian phase and immune response to the 2024-2025 influenza vaccine. This study will provide insight into the ideal physiological circadian phase to receive the influenza vaccine, better defining the relationship between circadian biology and immunity, and supporting a simple and cost-effective strategy to optimize influenza vaccine efficacy.


Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Influenza Virus Vaccines | Other Public Health


Influenza, Vaccination, Circadian Rhythms, Personalized Medicine

Document Type




Using Variations in the Circadian Rhythm to Identify Optimal Vaccination Times in Healthy Adults who Receive an Influenza Vaccine

This proof-of-concept quasi-experiment investigated the relationship between circadian phase and immune response to the 2024-2025 influenza vaccine. This study will provide insight into the ideal physiological circadian phase to receive the influenza vaccine, better defining the relationship between circadian biology and immunity, and supporting a simple and cost-effective strategy to optimize influenza vaccine efficacy.