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To evaluate if tooth color alteration of activated charcoal-based dentifrices may be attributed to the dye adsorption potential of charcoal (chemical action - C - slurry only) or to the association of dye adsorption with abrasion (chemo-mechanical action - CM- slurry/toothbrushing). Potential adverse effects in surface roughness, gloss, and wear were also assessed.


Dentistry | Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene | Public Health Education and Promotion

Document Type




Whitening efficacy of activated charcoal-based dentifrices related to the mode of action and adverse effects on the tooth surface

To evaluate if tooth color alteration of activated charcoal-based dentifrices may be attributed to the dye adsorption potential of charcoal (chemical action - C - slurry only) or to the association of dye adsorption with abrasion (chemo-mechanical action - CM- slurry/toothbrushing). Potential adverse effects in surface roughness, gloss, and wear were also assessed.