Publication Date

Spring 2024


This paper discusses and examines the impact of a technology-integrated diabetes self-management program on HbA1c levels in adults with Type 2 diabetes, compared to traditional diabetic care and education methods. Utilizing a theoretical framework of Social Cognitive Theory, which would be applied to this project, the research would investigate whether integrating technological tools, such as mobile applications and online platforms, into diabetes self-management can provide better glycemic control. A randomized controlled trialis proposed that would involve 200 adult participants with Type 2 diabetes, divided into two groups: one receiving the technology-integrated program and the other following conventional care protocols. Over six months, HbA1c levels would be measured and compared between the two groups. This research could have the potential benefits of incorporating modern technology into chronic disease management and underscores the need for healthcare systems to adapt to evolving patient care methods. Further studies are recommended to explore long-term effects and optimize program implementation strategies.

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