Publication Date

Winter 11-16-2023


In adult populations with chronic illnesses, implementation of palliative care may provide the opportunity to slow the disease process, manage symptoms, and improve patients' overall quality of life. Without palliative care implementation, the aspects of psychosocial needs may go clinically unaddressed with disease progression. Palliative care provides an opportunity for multidisciplinary providers to make interventions to improve all aspects of quality of life. The aim of this project is to evaluate the implementation of palliative care services in patients with chronic illnesses, the World Health Organization Quality of Life Abbreviated (WHOQOL BREF) quality of life scale and compare them with patients who do not receive palliative care services. The primary care setting is an ideal point of care to introduce palliative care services, as implementing long-term treatment care plans for disease management can incorporate the palliative care psychosocial multidisciplinary aspects to improve quality of life.

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