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Cleft Lip and Palate patients are some of the most vulnerable and complex orthodontic patients. They face a myriad of health challenges including psychological, nutritional, auditory, speech, airway, skeletal, and dental. Ideal comprehensive treatment for CLP patients is provided via multidisciplinary teams of healthcare providers. However, there is currently limited access to proper multidisciplinary care for CLP patients in the US, partly due to lack of education regarding available resources. For the most effective treatment and optimal outcomes, it is essential that coordinated care starts at birth and that parental education begins as soon as CLP is detected in utero. This research aims to improve CLP care by raising awareness amongst healthcare professionals regarding craniofacial orthodontic care for these patients, proper treatment sequencing, and local resources available.


Health Services Research | Medical Education | Nursing | Orthodontics and Orthodontology | Primary Care | Teacher Education and Professional Development

Document Type




Referral Patterns of Neonatal Healthcare Professionals for Cleft Lip and Palate Patients

Cleft Lip and Palate patients are some of the most vulnerable and complex orthodontic patients. They face a myriad of health challenges including psychological, nutritional, auditory, speech, airway, skeletal, and dental. Ideal comprehensive treatment for CLP patients is provided via multidisciplinary teams of healthcare providers. However, there is currently limited access to proper multidisciplinary care for CLP patients in the US, partly due to lack of education regarding available resources. For the most effective treatment and optimal outcomes, it is essential that coordinated care starts at birth and that parental education begins as soon as CLP is detected in utero. This research aims to improve CLP care by raising awareness amongst healthcare professionals regarding craniofacial orthodontic care for these patients, proper treatment sequencing, and local resources available.