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Dental records are of paramount importance in human identification considering the distinct traits of every individual. Although DNA and finger print analysis are techniques employed for faster and secure identification, in mass disasters, odontometric analysis can play a vital role in identification. Studies in the past have used parameters like arch perimeters, lip prints and palatal rugae pattern to determine age and gender of an individual. However, these studies correlated one parameter at a time and concluded that there was no significant correlation of the parameters to age and gender. The present study aimed to assess the canine index, intermolar width and palatal rugae pattern from the obtained dental casts. The correlation of age and gender with canine index, intermolar width and palatal rugae patterns were determined.


Clinical Trials | Health and Medical Administration | Health and Physical Education | Health Services Research | Medical Education | Medical Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Nursing | Oral Biology and Oral Pathology | Primary Care | Scholarship of Teaching and Learning | Teacher Education and Professional Development

Document Type




Determination of The Correlation Between Age and Gender with Canine Index, Intermolar Width and Palatal Rugae Patterns

Dental records are of paramount importance in human identification considering the distinct traits of every individual. Although DNA and finger print analysis are techniques employed for faster and secure identification, in mass disasters, odontometric analysis can play a vital role in identification. Studies in the past have used parameters like arch perimeters, lip prints and palatal rugae pattern to determine age and gender of an individual. However, these studies correlated one parameter at a time and concluded that there was no significant correlation of the parameters to age and gender. The present study aimed to assess the canine index, intermolar width and palatal rugae pattern from the obtained dental casts. The correlation of age and gender with canine index, intermolar width and palatal rugae patterns were determined.