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This literature review investigates the dentofacial consequences of radiotherapy in young patients with retinoblastoma by referencing current research. In addition, the management and rehabilitation of the dentofacial abnormalities, highlighting orthodontic, surgical, and prosthetic approaches, is examined. By understanding the changes of dentofacial development due to retinoblastoma treatment, effective management techniques can be implemented to resolve significant issues, relating to dental and skeletal relationship and facial appearance.


Eye Diseases | Health and Medical Administration | Health and Physical Education | Health Services Research | Medical Education | Medical Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | Orthodontics and Orthodontology | Prosthodontics and Prosthodontology

Document Type




Dentofacial Effects of Radiotherapy on Pediatric Population with Retinoblastoma

This literature review investigates the dentofacial consequences of radiotherapy in young patients with retinoblastoma by referencing current research. In addition, the management and rehabilitation of the dentofacial abnormalities, highlighting orthodontic, surgical, and prosthetic approaches, is examined. By understanding the changes of dentofacial development due to retinoblastoma treatment, effective management techniques can be implemented to resolve significant issues, relating to dental and skeletal relationship and facial appearance.