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Publication Date

Fall 11-17-2022


Why is there a need for tight glucose control for diabetics sixty-five years old or older? Tight control of glucose which can be trended as a 90-day snapshot of blood sugar control is measured using HgA1C levels(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). HgA1c levels under six percent in diabetics have been shown to reduce diabetic complications that be detrimental to health(Krapek et al., 2004). Adults aged sixty-five years old or older are also at greater risk for the development of acute and chronic diseases that are a result of poor blood sugar management(Leung et al., 2018). Adherence to prescribed medication regimens lowers blood glucose which is reflected in lower HgA1c levels(Krapek et al., 2004). Frequent communication with adults aged sixty-five years old or older is an important factor in medication adherence(Bussell et al., 2017). Therefore, text messaging has been found to improve glycemic control in the literature(Choudhry et al., 2018). The aim of this quality improvement project is to examine the evidence to show incorporating text messaging in this population helps to decrease hemoglobin A1c levels in type two diabetics over the age of sixty-five(Fang & Deng, 2018).
